
About Photography...

I recently updated my Flickr profile, and I was thinking about what I wrote there about capturing a moment that makes you say "wow, life's good after all", I think that came out wrong, what I mean to say is that the reason I love photography (and after an awful lot of thinking too...) can be explained in one moment, when I'm transferring my photos to my mac and watching them one by one comes this perfect little moment that only I get to see, and that's when I see something in a photo that I didn't notice when I shot it, can be the twinkle of an eye, or a small sly smile, that's what I love about photography the simple moments captured in time, so that when you look at the photo, your face muscles turn involuntarily into an effortless smile.

So when people give me trouble (meaning crap...) about not letting them know I'm taking a picture, I just don't care because I don't like to see those self-conscious looks people normally get when they see you picking up the camera, I rather capture a yelp of surprise because I startle them creeping up behind some tree or something.

Maybe that's why I like shooting animals so much, they don't know how to pose or what is the best angle for them, (again, that may have come out the wrong way... It's nothing against people!) .

Anyways, I'm happy now that I have a new camera, a better camera I have never would have dream of having which made me think about what I did to get one, so perhaps I'm doing something right with my photography skills, now I feel I can take my camera out and really show my view of the word, all the pretty colors and all the little things we take for granted, which sadly is a very common decease, or maybe that's why when we finally see the little things we feel so alive, yes alive that's what I feel when I get those moments in front of my computer, I can see life captured in a still photography.

To close this post, I forgot to mention what camera I had upgraded from and to. I had a Canon PowerShot S3 IS, I had that "bridge" camera for about 3 years now and I honestly believe it made me a better photographer, now that I can actually work my way through manual ISO, long exposure and micro shooting, I'm grad I upgraded from this wonderful camera to a Canon EOS Rebel T1i, why Canon? I guess I like the colors, I never had good enough results with a Olympus and a Sony camera, maybe one day I'll try a Nikon and see how I like that for a change, but right now I totally at peace with my choice.

PS: didn't check spelling, this are thoughts straight from my head.
PS2: Photos all by me.

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