
Movie Review: 2010, Vampire Suck

Vampire Suck

First of all I don't know what came over me to watch this movie, as a general rule I can't stand these parody type intentions to make someone laugh, I probably fell for the looks (it wouldn't be the first time either) anyways, you probably guess right about this, because this Movie Sucks it's an awful movie so over the top it's not even entertaining and I end up thanking God for the fast-forward button.

On the bright side, I'm an enthusiastic believer that every movie was a positive thing to add, so I must say that I did find some things funny, and all of them are in the official trailer (Hollywood does that a lot... give everything away in the trailer) like the way Becca's head turns into an hamburger, that was funny because that's what I though when I watched New Moon, then the "It's raining men" dance and of course the whole Team Edward/Jacob thing is always funny, that part must be connected to the funny fact that someone humiliating himself/herself is always a laugh. Oh! and the one thing that caught me off guard was that this "Becca" was actually more convincing as Bella that the real one, so that was interesting, I mean really, she was really a better Bella, good casting call I guess.

Anyhow, if you like this type of movies I wouldn't even recommend this one, maybe go back and watch Scary Movie, remember what was good about it, laugh a little and be happy. (Scary movie 1 was the only movie of this category that I actually enjoyed, although Anna Faris is awesome at comedy, she's the female version of Jim Carey to me).

That's all I can say about this movie, wasn't this short?


About Photography...

I recently updated my Flickr profile, and I was thinking about what I wrote there about capturing a moment that makes you say "wow, life's good after all", I think that came out wrong, what I mean to say is that the reason I love photography (and after an awful lot of thinking too...) can be explained in one moment, when I'm transferring my photos to my mac and watching them one by one comes this perfect little moment that only I get to see, and that's when I see something in a photo that I didn't notice when I shot it, can be the twinkle of an eye, or a small sly smile, that's what I love about photography the simple moments captured in time, so that when you look at the photo, your face muscles turn involuntarily into an effortless smile.

So when people give me trouble (meaning crap...) about not letting them know I'm taking a picture, I just don't care because I don't like to see those self-conscious looks people normally get when they see you picking up the camera, I rather capture a yelp of surprise because I startle them creeping up behind some tree or something.

Maybe that's why I like shooting animals so much, they don't know how to pose or what is the best angle for them, (again, that may have come out the wrong way... It's nothing against people!) .

Anyways, I'm happy now that I have a new camera, a better camera I have never would have dream of having which made me think about what I did to get one, so perhaps I'm doing something right with my photography skills, now I feel I can take my camera out and really show my view of the word, all the pretty colors and all the little things we take for granted, which sadly is a very common decease, or maybe that's why when we finally see the little things we feel so alive, yes alive that's what I feel when I get those moments in front of my computer, I can see life captured in a still photography.

To close this post, I forgot to mention what camera I had upgraded from and to. I had a Canon PowerShot S3 IS, I had that "bridge" camera for about 3 years now and I honestly believe it made me a better photographer, now that I can actually work my way through manual ISO, long exposure and micro shooting, I'm grad I upgraded from this wonderful camera to a Canon EOS Rebel T1i, why Canon? I guess I like the colors, I never had good enough results with a Olympus and a Sony camera, maybe one day I'll try a Nikon and see how I like that for a change, but right now I totally at peace with my choice.

PS: didn't check spelling, this are thoughts straight from my head.
PS2: Photos all by me.


Music Review: 2010, Linkin Park, A Thousand Suns

A Thousand Suns

Just let me say it clear, Linkin Park was one of my favorite bands ever since I ever listened to "Crawling" in fact "Hybrid Theory" was the first CD I've ever collected money to buy back in 2001, so Linkin Park is a BIG DEA
L to me, I even remember the first time I push play on the CD and how the more I heard it the more it grew in me.

So... "A Thousand Suns", I downloaded it because I have no money to pay for it right now (besides my "go to" music store is closed for whatever reason) but I promise I will buy it first chance I get (maybe I'll get if as a Christmas present) and I have all their albums so I may as well complete the collection.

Now to review it, (actually more like "first Impressions") I must start by
saying that this is totally different from what they have done before, it's almost a experimental (in the concept art category maybe?) sound and I say almost, because I think that by the time I play this for the 5th or 6th time I would totally think this totally normal for Linkin Park, so may as well state that for future reference (first impressions tend to change, especially with me).

So far, the 8 tracks I've heard are kind of the same, I mean, they are connected in a way that I can't really tell when one track finishes and the other starts, not that this is bad, they kinda do this in their albums, but this time the songs have kinda the same "undertone", sort of melodic and dark, nothing really hype, like "Bleed it out" or "Runaway" or "Faint", which by the way, these 3 songs are the more like powerful and aggressive to me and they are all the number 7 of their respective album, funny right? (maybe it is intended) anyways I'll wait to see if this changes or not, I'll be back later.

So, I've listened to the whole album now, it totally changes, the second half of it it's more of what I'm used to hear from them, "Wretches and Kings" is really cool and must be awesome live, also it is totally more easy to tell the end of one song and the start of the other, so there it is, I really think they'll get mixed reviews on this one, but I'm cool with it, like I said, you can divide this in two the more experimental part and the more normal part or whatever you wanna call it, I don't want to think that this is kinda of a tendency (to go experimental) but they are kind of influenced by war and human nature so it is kinda natural that they would do this, personally I liked the album, but I don't think that it is my favorite (which is a mix between Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight).

About rating?, I'm not much of a grade girl, so let's say that if your a fan, you can be a fan of this one, but if you just stumble upon this you may not get it yet, "yet" being important.

PS: I'm so totally bumped that they will be playing near me but I don't have the money to go!!!!! and with good reason the tickets are insanely pricey!!!

10-09-2010 Update! in the end I went to see them live, it was great! a real show I mean I was with people that didn't honestly like Linkin Park but they all had the same opinion, "It was a great show" personally I enjoyed every song and I was very glad that I got the chance to go (half-price tickets!!!) definitely my favorites were Given Up from the older albums and from the new one Wretches and Kings. It was soooooo cool I'm still all hyper about it.