
Saint Seiya Marathon and the Hades Arc

Last week I watched a Mega-Marathon of Saint Seiya, I watched all the episodes the whole 145 and out of all the arcs I have to say that my personal favorites episodes are the same as always which are the ones from the 12 Zodiac Temples Arc, mostly because we got to see all the Gold Saints which are amazing characters (except for deathmask he's just mean). I still find it very ridiculous how Saori got injured because isn't she supposed to have such an inmense cosmos as Athena?, such that even the Gold Saint can't touch her, and then this little minor attack got to her anyway? I don't have to agree to it, yes, but maybe it was the surprise or maybe they really screw it up translating that part from the manga, which wouldn't be the first time in anime (the best example is the end of Sailor Moon, which is a million times better in the manga) but anyways the Gold Saints, they are so good, I have to talk about all of them, so let's start with Mu of Aries, he is the really quiet one, and he doesn't really show his power until Hades, except for the small threat he makes to Aioria in the Poseidon Arc in which he tells him if he has to fight him to make him stay in the Sanctuary, I don't know I always though that Aioria looked scared of fighting Mu, and my suspicious got confirmed after he fights Deathmask and Aphrodite in the beginning of the Hades Arc, that Stardust Revolution is really scary, right?

Then we have Aldebaran, I read somewhere that he was Brazilian and I though that was really cool, other than that he seams really pacific and kind of a hopeless romantic kinda guy and that of course is kind of ironic for such a scary looking person.

Then they fight the Gemini Gold Saint, which is Saga, and he has a slip personality problem and then is Kanon... that is getting confusing, so Saga, I really like him I read that the commited suicide in the manga instead of hurting himself which trying to attack Saori at the end of the Arc, I like the anime version of his death better cuz the whole suicide thing is kind of pathetic to watch, but anyway I really loved his part in the Hades part, he was totally a bad ass, and no longer with a multiple personality problem. On another note, his cloth is one of the ones I like the most in terms of design is really spot on for the whole Gemini term, not like for example Pisces which takes the form of a very ugly oversize fish, I really don't like the Pisces Gold Saint...

Next we have the Cancer Gold Saint, Deathmask, I really don't like him as I said before... he is just so mean but with no good reason or background for it... so as a character I find him very poorly developed I guess.

And then we have one of my favorites which is Aiolia of Leo, now he is a character well developed, we know about his brother, the way everyone bullied him because of "treason" of Aolios, and what I like about him the most is his relationship with Marin, I know they are not involved, but there seams to be something there, some kindness I really liked to watch, and besides he is such a hot one! (I'm a girl after all, and I love his hair, there I said it haha).

Past Leo is Virgo Shaka, now he is an awesome character, I think he is probably top3 for a lot of SS fans, and I can see why, the whole Buddha's incarnation is very appealing and gives him his unique personality, and for the girls he is one of the most handsome among all of the character (though I think Apollo is the most "pretty" one) his techniques are certainly among the deathliest, the 5 sensory deprivation attack, let's say that all those who fight him end up pretty bad...

Next is the Libra House, but since Dohko is in front of the waterfall they don't have to fight, so Dohko, he's supposed to be in front of that waterfall for 243 years... if that's not commitment I don't know what is, but anyways he doesn't really bring much to the series until the Hades arc, in which he return to his 18 year old body, when I saw that my jaw dropped to the ground, one because of the change itself and second because of how he turn out to be, from a girl POV that is.

After Libra we have Scorpio, now I was truly surprised by the huge fandom that Milo has along with Camus, I mean Milo (in the anime at least) makes one innuendo that he and Camus are kinda close friends, and the fanfic universe exploded with yaoi, I mean one would think that Shun was the leader of that department, but I found that that are tons more of Camus/Milo histories... since I'm not a fan of Yaoi (after I stumbled upon a Snape/Harry one I got really traumatized)
I don't really see the reason for this... anyways I think that Milo is a strange one, maybe because I found him one of the most mysterious, so I don't really now what to expect, he did let Hyoga pass after all...

Next there is the House of Aquarius and my personal favorite Camus, I love this character, I think I understand him the most (along with Aiolia and Saga) and Aquarius is my personal sing so whoop whoop!! for him, I know I'm being totally partial about it, but I really can't help it, besides after I read that Camus was the original master of Hyoga I loved him even more, because honestly the Crystal Saint character they made for the anime was at most really dull (& so boring) and it makes sense now why Hyoga looks up to him so much, he is like his father figure, and Camus is honestly very warm and good after they introduce us into what he is thinking (remember that the first time we get to see him is when he freezes Hyoga, and it's not so clear why).

And finally we have Aphrodite of Pisces, I never liked him, he is so obnoxious about everything, and the roses attacks are not very interesting... and over all he is really easy to beat, or at least that's what it look like to me, first with Shun (who let's be honest, he hate to fight and always get's beat up) who defeated him with one blow, and then with Mu who sent him back to hell really fast.

Now that's for the 12 Zodiac Temple Arc, oh! I forgot to mention the ending of the arc, which I really hate, because it doesn't really gives us much resolution of things, maybe they screw it up from the anime I guess I'll read it someday to clear it up.

About the Asgard Arc, since I learn that this arc was made for the anime only I automatically became wary about it, and with good reasons, because this arc kind of get's in the way, because after the 12 temple fight the cloths are supposed to be revived by the saints, but during the battle in Asgard the cloths don't really show anything powerful or any sings of upgrade, not until they fight with the Poseidon and his Marina Generals, in which since the first fight the cloths glowed gold, that's a problem of continuity for me, because why now? was the Asgard battle more easy? because it seamed more difficult than the Poseidon ones, so yeah I have a problem with the Asgard Arc.

The Poseidon Arc was really fast to my taste, I don't know after the fights of 2 episodes per enemy we come to this one episode per enemy which makes the Marina generals kinda weak, i guess, but Poseidon rocks lol, Julian Solo was the highlight of this Arc by far, Kanon was a added bonus I think. (I like bad boys and Poseidon is suck a jerk so I like him more than Kanon, ever though he's a bad ass too, hehe).

And to finalize this entry (which is one of the biggest I've written) I finally watched the whole Hades arc and I must say that the "Chapter Inferno Kousho" is one of the saddest ones I've ever watched in anime, the part when they try to break the Wailing Wall is my all time favorite for the series, and so sad because the Gold Saints finally reunite just to give their lives once more, (especially sad because I have a soft spot for Camus reunited with Hyoga and Aiolia with his brother) anyway, watching the Hades Arc made me kind of homesick I guess, I think I missed the time when my life revolved around anime series (which was from when I was 12 years old until I turn 15ish) and cheers to Toei Animation for releasing the Arc and the Heaven Chapter - Overture OVA which is a really cool movie although kind of vague at the same time lol, there are a lot of differences between the Sanctuary, Asgard, Poseidon and the Hades arc, I mean they are almost 12 years apart so naturally the technology is a big difference and also they change the voices of the characters which also is an obvious thing, the only 2 voices I really didn't like were the ones for Kiki and Shunrei because they were totally different, other that that I don't think I really notice the changes. I really liked the part of the sanctuary, in terms of quality that is, the mix between classical and digital animation, was just tasteful, so I really enjoyed watching that.

That's my review of Saint Seiya the anime, someday I'll read the whole manga but just not right now, I mean there's an ongoing volume right now and I can't deal with more unfinished things, right now, I've had enough of that waiting for the Harry Potter books lol.

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