
The Scientist By Colplay

(Obviously this is not the music video, the embed is disable for that one, so just do me a favor and look it up on youtube for me)

Official Web
Wikipedia Page

I would like to start with one of the most amazing video I've ever watched, the reverse chronology story telling works wonderfully with the lyrics about
powerlessness about things you can't control or can't take back. Good lyrics are a must have for me to listen to a song and Coldplay always delivers.

The first time I've ever watched this video I thought that they made it like that in post-production but by the time the song finished I realized that it was pretty obvious it wasn't, so being a big fan of all art and creativity myself, my respect for Coldplay and for Chris Martin increased a lot (like, heaps), the fact that he learned the song backwards is amazing, I read somewhere that it took him two months to learn it, it looks like they wanted to do real good videos for their fans and not settle for the easy-normal-boy-meets-girl-boy-screw-up story telling and go wild with creativity that, and lets be honest, always works great with the audiences, what I want to say really is that it shows a drive and a motivation to just make good things and this video for sure will live forever.

Although I love Coldplay now I must admit that, back in the year 2000 I could not stand listening to Coldplay's Yellow, now I guess it must have grown in me, like Muse, Coldplay is definitively better the more you listen to them, so by the time their second album "A Rush of Blood to the Head" came out I was a fan.

Their songs are my favorites to read, especially the drama genre, because I can just put them on repeat and apart from the fact that every song is a different story, every album is display in a way that the album itself it's a story of stories, it has consistency.

So, and to end this post, this song, this band specially is one of the "must listen before you die", and if this is not a good way to start a blog I don't know what else to do.

Another thing a really like about Coldplay is that they put their space in service of their fans, the "Exhibition Room" is a place that features art of fans from all over the world, whether is animation, photography, short films, or whatever (really whatever, they even listed home videos, you just gotta love it!), they select one every week and place it on the homepage, talking about connecting with fans, right? (seriously now, check the exhibition room there some really cool stuff).


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