
Good Reads!!!

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Yesterday I found out about this website about books that I actually like, so far is simple, fun, and most importantly useful, I've encountered many books websites in the past but this one beats them, because it's like a Facebook of books, you can share opinions, the books, there are links to buy them, and the people there is really honest, it's not like amazon reviews, because I can see more of the person behind the review, like what kind of books that person read, I know you can do that in other websites but in this one is much more simple. I also like the groups there I'm currently in two of them and so far, so great.

So add me if you like books, I promise to be honest in my reviews. My username is Shiriusa.

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Book Review: The Hunger Games Trilogy

The first time I saw this book, was in a compilation of e-books, I got curious and started to read it, I read the first chapter and got dizzy for two reasons, the first was that I read the chapter so fast that my nose was like 3 inches away from the screen (that can't be good for my eyesight) and second because it was really good reading.

I got a simple way to say whether if it's a good or a bad book, I read the firsts chapters and if I can't put the book down, then it's good, very simple, right?

So I wanted to read a lot more about this Katniss girl, so I went to my favorite bookstore and bought it (not a cheap thing really) then I got home and since it was Friday night and I had no plans I read, and kept reading until 6:15 am, I remember very well the time because I was supposed to get up at 8 o'clock that day (I had a family trip to go) anyways the moment I finish the book, it entered my all time favorite books.

I haven't seen that kind of literature in a long time, the themes exposed are very dark, like death and misery but it was so well written that some scenes that could be really gore and bloody, were kind of beautiful.

The overall story is that in the future, there is a bad big controlling Capitol and 13 districts under their control, in the 12th district lives Katniss, a teenager who haven't had an easy life, then we have these Hunger Games, which is the way the Capitol keeps the fear and hatred present in Panem (the country) the way it works is this: each of the districts select 2 tributes a boy and a girl (only underage kids are eligible) and they are send to the Capitol to compete, there is only one winner and this is the creepy sick part, the winner is the one left standing and there has to be one survivor only, for this to happen they have to kill each other, and it is all televised.

So when I say gore and blood, I meant it, as for who should read it? I don't really see a specific target for this book, because I made my mom read it and she couldn't put it away either.

There are three parts, the second book is also as great as the first, maybe even better and that's extremely rare to say, then when the third book came out I was anxious to see how the story was going to end, but (and I'm not spoiling anything) I'm not sure if I liked the end, sure it's and END and the book needed one but it's been a lot of time since I read it and I still can't come to a end with my opinions, I ask my mom and she just made a confusing face, so I don't know how if some people have loved it or hated it, you have to read it to see what I mean.


I had this post written for a long time (4/7/10 according to blogger) and now that there is a movie coming out I need to say something about it, I did some research and Suzanne, the author was part of the script writing process so I thinks that in terms of story it will be related (what I mean is that they especially waited for the last book to come out so they had all the details that will meant something in the end really there, not like for example; what they did in the Harry Potter series).

In terms of casting I'm happy with it, I can't actually judge until I see the film but for what I'm hearing they did great auditions.

I just hope that the result is not that graphic, because the best part of the book is that beside the gore and blood you actually paid attention to the characters, and maybe that can be lost in translation.


Movie Review: 2010, Welcome to The Riley's

I'd like to star this post by saying that this movie was a total surprise to me, but in a good way, I watched it out of boredom (and partly because I was waiting for the new episode of American Idol). So that being said, lets talk about the story, it's a very simple but increasingly deep kind of story, we have this couple Doug and his wife, they are having a though time, because the death of their daughter keeps hunting them, actually they are having 8 years of bad time, so Doug while at a work convention, meets Mallory, a runaway teen that lives like a Stripper/Prostitute, Doug starts to take care of her and asking no compensation or retribution, that's when the story really develops and this is were the surprise is to me.

In terms of acting, I must say that is was really good, Kirsten's corky demeanor really suited the rol, and what can I say of James and Melissa, they were right on the zone, I really enjoyed Melissa's performance more than anyone else's, because she was the most believable out of all these freakishly weird characters, she did her part effortleslly and with such a dept to it that it is one of the reasons why I enjoyed so much this movie.

In terms of directing I have to say that it could have been better and I'm going to leave it at that, I don't really wan to spoil it, so if you can watch it, and hopefully you'll be surprised to.

As for the perfect audience, maybe families with teenage kids, because it has a lot of trusting issues, and questions about what a family is and caring and respect.