
Movie Review: 2010, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1

A HP review from a fan's POV.

I saw this movie yesterday at midnight, I was so thrilled waiting in the line for 5 hours with a friend and just talking about the past 10 years we have been fans of Harry Potter, we laugh a lot remembering the first time we waited for Philosopher's Stone back in 2001 and how it was like "look at this, look at that" or "it's just like I imagine it would be like" and stuff, so yeah it has been a ride for sure.

The fact that it is getting over is so sad and yet cool, because it has to end and even though it is not going to be a happy pretty end it would be a rightful end.

To the movie now, after I got over the fact that I was actually watching the film, I have to say it is so detailed compared to the other books that I felt like they should have split every movie, because scenes I was sure they would left out were there plus some new scenes that where really cool like that little Harry/Hermione scene in the tent that I think will make an impact in the amount of fanfics about that pair. I loved all the funny scenes, George creeping up behind Harry and Ginny kissing was hilarious! there was a lot to laugh at, Ron's lines were lots of fun except when he was wearing the horcrux, Oh! and about the horcrux, right after the whole locket display of Harry and Hermione was up I just looked at my friend and I knew we were thinking the same "awkward!!!!" it was so surreal to watch it instead of reading it, but I like when that happens.

One of the big questions around was "where are they splitting the movie?" we all had a sense it was going to be around Dobby's dead and so it was, but I don't mind that they have done that it was like a natural thing to do anyways and it does feel like the second part it's gonna be a lot more frantic because everything that needed to settle is finished in the first part and all there is now it the actual end, which will be awesome I'm sure, I'm already anxious to see the final battle at Hogwarts.

So I have to talk about the death scenes, I like how they did Hedwig's it was more realistic than the book, I mean it's a much better idea that she would die triyng to protecting Harry rather than falling in her cage anyways, right? and Dobby, oh Dobby everybody in the theater knew what was going to happen but to actually seen it right after they gave Dobby a really moving speech about being a free elf, it was just heartbreaking, the room was SO quiet it seemed like nobody was even breathing, but I know that everyone was screaming in their heads "DOOOOBBYYYYY" (when the credits started someone actually screamed that).

I was just in shock after the movie ended, trying to digest what had just happened but all in all it was great, and seeing it at midnight has it's own special flavor too, it is as if everybody is connected, the spontaneous "awws" and laughs and claps were just natural, I've always liked that about premiers, that and the fact that we laugh a LOT when someone get's a little carried away with the costumes, like a Bellatrix we saw around waiting in line.

About the movie making, I like how they did the elfs, Kreacher and Dobby looked great now, it was a very good move to replace that little orange ball for actual actors, I liked the open sets too the cliffs the forests, the photography was well selected, according to the mood of the scenes. Nagini also had an improvement, oh! that reminds me Bathilda Bagshot was SCARY as hell!!!, gave me the creeps every time she was on the screen.

About the acting, for the trio ever since the 5th movie I have been enjoying it more, now I can actually watch the whole movie without making a lot remarks about how awkward that was or how the rhythm was so off. I liked Luna too, Evanna Lynch is the best Luna they could have ever found. There were a lot of new characters as well, I like Bill Weasley until he spoke, he had a voice of a 10 year old. Scrimgeour and Mundungus were cool, but for some unknown reason I imagined Mundungus as a black person. Well I better stop now before I review each character. I will just say that after 10 years I like everybody, specially now that Snape washed his hair, he has a bit of a curly hair now.

To end this review, I just want to say that I like being part of the Harry Potter fandom, every since I read that first book my life changed, before I was all about anime and manga and what I'm going to do not to bore myself to death, and after it was like this whole universe of books and stories was at my reach, so I own a big fat Thank You to Mrs Rowling for that, now I have an actually library in my room, who would have thought that would happen? certainly not me.

PS: Obviously I didn't give any recommendation as to how and who should watch this movie, if you haven't seen at least the 5th and 6th movie you won't get a clue about what is going on.

PS2: No hyperlinks too, every fan knows were to go for info.

PS3: and please follow Lord_Voldemort7 on twitter he is absolutely hilarious.


Movie Review: 2010, Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love

I spend a lot of time thinking just how to start this review and came with the same old phrases, but the truth is that this is a good-movie-that-left-you-thinking-about-life kind of movie, which is always good, right?

I know this was a book about self discovering, that was made into what we can call a chick flick, but this is a chick flick for everybody (a very unusual thing) I'm going to explain what this movie did to me because I'm sure that the experience of watching this movie will be different for everyone.

Be aware that I only watched the movie though, I have like 0 patience for nonfiction books, I must have read 3 of them in my whole life and I finished just1 (not gonna tell which one). So the movie as you can imagine divides between the discovery of enjoy eating, praying and finally enjoy love, it's starts with this woman, Liz who finds herself in a situation that a lot of people can relate to, she has a life that doesn't excite her it doesn't make her feel good and happy, so she decides to take a trip to remember what is good in life and to be honest, I absolutely think that if I had the money to do it Rome India and Bali would be marked in my calendar, like tomorrow.

Eat, Liz starts the journey by trying to remember the times when you ate something and be amazed by it, not doing the typical fast lunch, microwave dinner that ends up tasting like nothing, so she goes to Italy, the feeling I got while watching this part was that people sometimes forget how to enjoy the simplest things about food, I must say that I enjoy cooking and baking and it reminds me of how the ingredients must be felt and selected to make something new, I have never gone on a diet in my life and I find that eating is what you need to do to live, not live for eating maybe that's the problem, if you eat just to stuff your mouth with something your not eating you are just surviving and therefor not living really, so next time you eat a snack ask yourself do you really need it? and most important will you really take your time to enjoy it?.

Pray, this part I can't say I relate to, I have never properly prayed, like Liz in the beginning of the movie, but I know the good effects of meditation, I didn't get the whole guru thing but I don't think that was important, what I like about this part is that it reminds you to feel good about yourself, about who you are and if your not do something about it, have balance.

Love, so after the meditation trip to India, Liz ends up in Bali, Indonesia we all know this part really, every chick flick has the falling in love part, but the difference I think is that because of the distribution of the movie, it becomes more enjoyable to watch, by the time she meets her love we are all kind of friends with Liz so I kind of wanted a good ending for her, which obviously she had (it would have been a very anti-climatic movie if it didn't, right?).

So my finals thoughts are that this is a great movie to watch probably alone, because as I said earlier this movie is different for anyone who watches it and you don't really need another person's POV, also I liked the casting a lot, Julia Roberts as the leading role of Liz was probably the most perfect choice, she's very relatable which for this kind of movie was very important the other roles too, very believable of the casting choices, well almost all, the girl in India I didn't like her too much for some unknown reason (and I must say I have a weak spot for James Franco so he's always good) Javier Bardem as a Brazilian was a very good casting call too, as was the soundtrack, I don't know much about bossa nova, but I know that is can be damn seductive.

I just hope you watch this movie, and share your thoughts about it with someone, it should be interesting to know what other people felt and thought about it.

PS: and if you think this movie was too corny for you, maybe you should read Drink, Play, F@#k by Andrew Gottlieb.


Movie Review: 2010, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

I have to start by saying that I'm a mayor geek, so with that settled, all I can say is that this movie was every shade of AWESOMENESS there is, I love every bit of geeky and cheesy parts of this movie, I know that this is based on a graphic novel and it really shows, the design the cinematography worked really great with the story which shows the director must have been a big fan of graphic novels himself and not some money maker dude who would forget-about-the-graphic-all-the-way, I will be keeping a tab on Edgar Wright now. (that's the director's name, now that I see his IMDB page I notice that he has done some other nice movies... good to know)

Let's move on to the review itself now, beside the cool graphics I really liked the clothes, that Sharpie t-shirt must be a must for every geek in the world, the music was cool too, that bass battle was epic to me.

About the casting, I must say the hit it right with their choices and I only have one method to review casting, it's very simple, if I can imagine someone else on that role then the casting sucks, on this particular movie, I only imagine two other actors and in minor tiny roles so, that's a very good rating according to my standards. Oh! and Micheal Cera playing a 22 year old... it was kind of a shock, maybe I'm used to see him playing 16 year old losers, it's a nice change for him.

Now about the Ex's, they where the good fun, I personally enjoyed the vegan one, Todd and his mind control power, because the whole theme of being vegan is really funny and I really don't get those people and how can they remember what's vegan and what's not, the one I enjoyed less was probably the girl, because the fact that it meant girl-on-girl action it was nothing more than that, it could've been more interesting, don't you think?.

The fighting was really cool, although it was kind of funny to watch Micheal Cera kick some ass, like I said before the losers part was his thing, but then again I was glad to see that he really can kick asses (please insert happy face here). And an honor mention to the gay roommate, he was funny too.

So to wrap this up and in case you already haven't noticed I loved this movie, it's a good, funny, entertaining and fast by fast I mean not-let-you-look-the-other-way-fast movie, that any geek person in the world would appreciate and probable the not so geeks will too, although I do not see my mom watching this through, she will probably fall sleep between the fights, although she does that with every movie... anyways, good movie to watch with friends or alone, with your favorite snack and nobody to bother you.

PS: Beware of the catchy phrases they could hunt you through the day.