
Movie Review: 2010, Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

I had this movie for quite a long time, yesterday I decided to give it a go and I still don't know if I liked it or not, because although it is a great action movie, I had a problem with the characters, I'm well instructed in the whole mythological thing so the moment they put Io as a love interest/partner of Perseus it feel totally wrong to me, and though out the movie I just couldn't let this drop completely, I don't know if they did this in the 1981 version of this movie and I don't care much about it because I'm not going to watch some plastic-stop-motion-monsters when I had this 2010 version, with all the tech and 3D wow moments, so that being said, let's move on to the parts I enjoyed like the Kraken, which was very well design and kinda creepy which totally works on a monster, I liked Medusa a lot for two reasons, they gave her a beautiful face and they told the myth kinda right, so A+ for that.

On acting, I liked Sam Worthington as Perseus, I remember he said in an interview that he liked this character to be not God-like, focusing on his human side, which I totally get, so nice acting for him. Another one I liked was Ralph Fiennes as Hades, the men can work with special effects!

I didn't like Liam Nesson as Zeus, not sure why, he is a good actor but maybe and just this time I didn't get his vibe.

I think the movie is very well paced, which is important in a action movie, because if you have to many down moments or to many hypes it just confuses the audience and it's not very good in the profits I guess too.

For what type of audience is this now?, I think that this movie is best to watch it in the most giant TV you could find with a nice audio system too, because it's action at its best, you may think that this is kinda like for a guy gathering but I'm a girl and I liked the men in skirts as well, so it's a win-win in the action category.

PS: now that I remember I got this movie because Kurumada the author of Saint Seiya drew the posters, and I liked them. Here you can see them all.

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