
Movie Review: 2010, Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

I had this movie for quite a long time, yesterday I decided to give it a go and I still don't know if I liked it or not, because although it is a great action movie, I had a problem with the characters, I'm well instructed in the whole mythological thing so the moment they put Io as a love interest/partner of Perseus it feel totally wrong to me, and though out the movie I just couldn't let this drop completely, I don't know if they did this in the 1981 version of this movie and I don't care much about it because I'm not going to watch some plastic-stop-motion-monsters when I had this 2010 version, with all the tech and 3D wow moments, so that being said, let's move on to the parts I enjoyed like the Kraken, which was very well design and kinda creepy which totally works on a monster, I liked Medusa a lot for two reasons, they gave her a beautiful face and they told the myth kinda right, so A+ for that.

On acting, I liked Sam Worthington as Perseus, I remember he said in an interview that he liked this character to be not God-like, focusing on his human side, which I totally get, so nice acting for him. Another one I liked was Ralph Fiennes as Hades, the men can work with special effects!

I didn't like Liam Nesson as Zeus, not sure why, he is a good actor but maybe and just this time I didn't get his vibe.

I think the movie is very well paced, which is important in a action movie, because if you have to many down moments or to many hypes it just confuses the audience and it's not very good in the profits I guess too.

For what type of audience is this now?, I think that this movie is best to watch it in the most giant TV you could find with a nice audio system too, because it's action at its best, you may think that this is kinda like for a guy gathering but I'm a girl and I liked the men in skirts as well, so it's a win-win in the action category.

PS: now that I remember I got this movie because Kurumada the author of Saint Seiya drew the posters, and I liked them. Here you can see them all.


Book Review: The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

By Mark Haddon

This book is at least ten shades of awesomeness, I read it in the summer around January I went to the mall library in which my mother is subscribed and I found this little red book with a dog upside down on the cover, I know the "don't judge a book by it cover" thing but this one was really cool, so I took it home and read it, at first there was surprise to know that the book is narrated by Christopher a boy with Asperger's Syndrome, which is (in case you don't know) a type of autism, loosely explained people with these syndrome don't get emotions and can't be emphatic because they don't know how, and therefore they have zero to none social skills, they don't relate to people like in the normal way, they have a very logical mind, which makes them good at working with maths and science, because numbers don't get emotional.

So, this kid narrates the story, he explains how he sees the world and his relationship with his father, the mother is not in the picture because his father told him that she died when he was little.

The story stars with a dog murder, a dog that belongs to a Eileen a close neighbor and because Chris like dogs he decides that he would find out ho killed him and bring him to justice. That's the mayor scene, is very simple and easy to follow and read but what makes it interesting and brilliant is that Chris in his investigation starts to uncover some information, about the dog, his owner Eileen and information about his mother and father, the story gets interesting when Chris finds letters of his mother, actual letters of his mother ho he believed was dead, he doesn't understand it because of the Aspergers, but we as readers do get the undertone and the implications that this letters and information brings.

That's what really caught me the fact that Chris is discovering all this stuff about his mother, and we as readers already know what happens.

I'm not going to tell how the story ends, because I'm no fan of spoilers, so I'm going to strongly recommend this reading, is fun is thrilling and at the end you just want a happy life for Chris, he is a very likable character after all.

For a summer reading or a Sunday raining day, this book won't take much time to read it, but it leaves you thinking about the nature of humans and how people take advantage of other people's weaknesses.

Have a nice reading.

To know about the author, here is his website.