
Movie Review: 2010, Kick-Ass

Sometimes I would have a movie saved in my computer and then I do other things, when I return to the movie and if the movie is great I always ask myself, why the hell I didn't whatch this sooner? well, it happened to me today, Kick-Ass is so cool, my favorite character was Hit Girl, actually, the actress Chloe Moretz was really good, although she had some of the best lines of the movie ("Show's over motherfuckers") she is a very good actress, ever since I first saw her in The Amityville Horror 5 years ago, I kept a tab on her like I do with every interesting actor/actress, so I'm very exited that she is playing the adapted version of another great movie "Let the Right One In".

So, back to the review, I noticed that early on while I was watching the movie, I saw so many "wtf!? moments", specially when Hit Girl was involved (getting shot by your own father?!, how more fucked up can you get?). Maybe that's why I like this movie so much, it was surprisingly unpredictable which is always good in this kind of movie, I actually took notes while I watch movies and under WTF?! is "Nicholas Cage :O" I just can't remember why I wrote that now, but I though you should now, maybe someone can make sense of it.

I think that the whole superhero theme of this movie, along with the "nerd" theme, is always a good theme while treated right, I mean I remember watching the Revenge of the Nerds when I was a kid and though there were a lot of grown up jokes I still enjoyed it, besides lets be honest, nerds in movies are really kinda cute (the lead character was really cute, but that's just a girl's comment, good job of the casting director).

The Othere thing that really made this movie so cool was the cinematography, the camera angles and the little but awesome effects that made was so much fun to watch, kudos to the director for his original view, oh! and also kudos to the music director, the soundtrack and score was really nice, it completed the scenes, more so because there was not the typical music background in there, the style changed in every scene, and I appreciated the variety in there.

To finish this review I would like to say that this is a well named movie, it really kicked ass, and for a good time with friends this one is an absolute winner, because there's no way you can watch this one without making side comments, so you may want a friend to share the laugh.

I just looked at IMBD and found out that there's part 2 coming up in 2012, so, yay!!

Movie Review: 2009, Adam


This is the story of a young man, who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a kind of autism, and basically makes it difficult to them to socialize with other people, like for example they don't understand sarcasm, they take it literally so imagine how hard it must be to not tell the difference between a joke and a real statement.

Anyway, this movie in particular tell the story of Adam and Beth who moves to the same building, she face the awkwardness of a relationship with someone with Asperger's Syndrome, some of you may be interested in Adam as a character, but me (having some problems with social activities myself) found very interesting they way she took the situation, so I wander, what would a viewer with Asperger's thinks about this movie?, I think they would be very emphatic about Adam, Hugh Dancy really does a good job, but I think it would be a perfect job if he didn't take Adam to such an extreme... sometimes I found his face expressions to be like too much, but maybe they were going for that kind of thing, I don't know this is the first movie I've seen from this particular writer/director.

So, to wrap this up, thumbs up to Rose Byrne
she was awesome as Beth, it's a good movie for a cold winter weekend, to make you think about the problems the people of Asperger's Syndrome have everyday and that a normal person take for granted. (Sorry about grammar, didn't checked it)