
Just a Random Update

I know I'm lazy, couch potato, call it whatever you want (I call it anemia) but the truth is I want to write more often, seriously you should see the number of drafts this blog in particular has, but I'm kind of an overachiever when it comes to writing so I want to get all the facts before I make a mistake which is kind of funny because if I make a mistake I wouldn't really make it right.

Anyways, what's up in the life of an "An unemployed late bloomer with a Peter Pan complex"? (as my twitter describe me) well, not much really ever since since I turned down that advertising job, I kind of close the door on advertising altogether I was having real bad karma also, not necessarily a factor but still, I was on the verge of depression and that just wasn't good for me, or anybody, depression is bad, get help people. So when I realized that the advertising world (for which I studied 5 years) was not a lifestyle of my liking I expanded my views. Now I'm into arts and cooking and mostly I'm just looking for the simple life, I'm kind of contemplating living in a small city also, but not yet.

I think I'm getting carried away, anyhow next year I'm going to study again, International gastronomy or something, the point is that I want to cook, desserts mostly but I can do with new knowledge on other cooking subjects as well.

Meanwhile I'm exploring my options, knitting, drawing, movie watching, etc... Might as well just post more often too.

To end this weird update I'm just gonna say, are you happy with your life? I know I wasn't so I'm trying to make some changes.

See? really random post. Cheers.